Monday, June 22, 2009

Check out our new website!!

We have added a blog to keep you posted to the new happenings at Burnie Batchelor Studio and Shutterbugs Boutique.

We finally have our New Website Live!! We are adding new photographs each day. Stay tuned. You may see someone you know!

We have added a new baby plan at Burnie Batchelor Studio. Upon joining the plan you will receive complimentary portrait sessions throughout the first year, special pricing on portraits and exclusive notification on savings at Burnie Batchelor Studio and Shutterbugs Boutique.

Baby's first year! 3,6,9 and 12 months. From each session, you'll select your favorite color 4x5 image to be included in a 4 opening matted portrait panel.

Purchase your Christening Gown at Shutterbugs Boutique and receive a complimentary portrait session and special pricing on your children's portraits. Archival black and white fiber prints and color prints are available.